Improve Your Networking Skills
Networking-related anxiety is real. I know because I experience it, but it often changes when I use the tool of active listening.
Do you know a good way to improve your networking skills?
Networking in person or virtually can often be difficult. Do you think about networking and break out into a cold sweat or run to hide behind a potted plant? Networking-related anxiety is real. I know because I experience it, but it often changes when I use active listening.
When I walk into a networking event, and my thoughts are on me, that is all I can think about—my neurosis. But when I start to talk to someone, that changes because I take the focus off of myself and think of the person in front of me. All my anxiety fades away as I actively listen to the person I just met. I stop thinking about me and think about them. I exhale because I am genuinely interested in learning about someone new or something new.
As I implement active listening, the speaker relaxes and becomes more vulnerable because I ask clarifying open-ended questions. The more I ask, the more they are willing to share. The exchange becomes easy because you are not trying to be someone you are not; neither are they. The networking experience is reciprocity.
There are three key steps to learn that will help you with your networking skills. On Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern, join Deb Porter and me as we give expert listening tips on improving your networking skills. You will learn to form deep and meaningful connections that will help your professional and personal life.
Stop hiding behind the potted plants and experience the confidence you desire at any networking event. Being authentic through active listening will change your life!